We would love it if we could have a strong Scout present at this very important mission. One of the teaching moments they have is to “Remember our fallen U.S. veterans. Honor those who serve. Teach your children the value of freedom”. Take a few minutes to look at the website that explains what the mission is, it does a great job of helping us to understand why we do this during the Holiday Season. www.wreathsacrossamerica.org
Thanks so much, Happy Holidays to all! More information available here. This Eagle Scout Procedures Guide is for Life Scouts working towards the Eagle rank in the Ethan Allen District and their parents/guardians and adult leaders.
We strongly recommend that all Scouters involved in the Life-to-Eagle process become well versed with this information and that every Eagle Scout candidate be encouraged to use this publication along with the appropriate sections of the Guide to Advancement during his journey from Life to Eagle. This document is divided into small, usable sections for the Scout. We recommend you read just the section with the information you need rather than trying to devour the whole document. Scouts, you are not alone in this process. The District Advancement and Recognition Committee exist to advise and serve you and the adult Scouters in our District. The Ethan Allen District, their units, and individuals do not have the authority to impose additional standards or requirements for any merit badge or rank. Rather, they ensure adherence to the requirements established by National level authorities. The District is particularly attentive to advancement from Life to Eagle rank. We worked hard to create this document and keep it useful for all Scouts and Scouters. We look forward to working with you in the future as advancement policies and procedures continue to evolve. Please don’t hesitate to contact us or your District Advancement and Recognition Committee Chairperson with questions and/or comments. You can download the guide with the following link: Eagle Scout Procedures Guide Jim Rivers, Chairman Ethan Allen District Advancement and Recognition Committee Email [email protected] Phone 802-453-2258 (H) text 802- 377-1065 Hello, as your District chairman I would like to kick off this new year with some information that I hope will be helpful. Your district is made up of a number of committees put in place to help you provide a great program for your unit.
Let me introduce to you your District committee, their role, and their contact information. I would also like to add that if you have put in your time with a unit, and are looking to stay in Scouts, but need a change in scenery, then maybe a committee position would be something you would be interested in. We meet the fourth Tuesday of every month in Rutland. Send me a note ([email protected]) if you are interested. We would love to increase the size of our committee and help to improve even more the serve we provide to our District. Thank you , Russ Baker Ethan Allen District Committee Chair In no particular order District Executive Mark Miller ([email protected]) Mark can help with any questions for the Council or the district. Membership Tammy Endres ([email protected]) Do you need help getting promotional material together, setting up an open house, and doing recruitment? Tammy is the person for you. Finance Bob Treat ([email protected]) Do you have someone in your town that would like to help raise money for the Green Mountain Council, or might want to make a contribution? Get a hold of Bob. He can help you out. Camping Russ Baker ([email protected]) Want some information about camping at our Cub Scout camp in Benson (Camp Sunrise) or the Boy Scout camp in Eden (Mt. Norris) Get a hold of Russ he can help with this. Training Russ Baker ([email protected]) Interested in getting trained? Want to know where the next training session is? Maybe you would like to set something up for your unit. Contact Russ. He can set you up. Activities Ed Gelbar ([email protected]) Is your unit interested in the next District activity for Cub or Boy Scouts? Maybe you would like to help organize an event. Let Ed know, he has all the information. Round tables Simon Drew ([email protected]) We have two Round Tables a month. One in north on the second Tuesday of the month at the American Legion in Middlebury starting at 7:00 pm One on the third Tuesday of the month at the Shaftsbury United Methodist Church. Starting at 7:00 pm Each month is a different topic. If you are looking for something specific, or have a suggestion, contact Simon. Not only are these meetings good for learning new skills, or getting trained, you will learn a lot about up coming events, and network with other Scouters in your District. Advancement Jim Rivers ([email protected]) Jim handles all issues of advancement. Primarily he directs Eagle board of reviews to one of our three county locations. Jim also can answer any type of advancement questions, and he is starting to work on organizing our merit badge councilors. Eagle Project approvals John Record ([email protected] and Dean Silloway ([email protected]) If you have an Scout that has a question about an Eagle project, or wants to submit his workbook for approval, contact John and Dean. They will get you on your way to Eagle. Commissioners Paul Wells ([email protected]) Do you have an issue within your unit, need some advice, wish to submit your charter? Contact Paul and he will link you up with a commissioner in your area. Mark your calendars for October 10th (Roundtable North) and 17th (Roundtable South).
The District Roundtable is a great place to meet other scout leaders and share information, ask questions and learn about the latest changes to the Scout program. Every meeting has three main parts: Announcements - we try to make these a quick as possible. Presentation - Usually on a timely topic. It may be refresher training or news about changes to the scout program. If there is a topic that you would like to hear about, or if you have information that you need to present, please contact the Commissioner so that he/she may schedule it in advance. Roundtable Discussion - This is where you can talk about the issues and share information. Sometimes the presentation will spawn a discussion about its topic. We typically announce this topic in advance. This is a true "roundtable" discussion in that everyone has an equal say and no one person leads the conversation. This is a good opportunity to share your ideas and concerns about your troop and to hear what other leaders are doing about these same issues. We usually get into some very interesting discussions and most of the leaders attending walk away with some great ideas. Who should attend the Roundtable? Anyone involved in your unit’s program. Scouting is constantly changing and evolving and every leader need to keep on top of these changes. If you have little experience, then this is the place to learn about how the Scout program really works. If you have a lot of experience, then you can share what you know with others. Every unit should be sending at least one of its leaders (or committee members) to the monthly roundtable meeting. Planned Presentation(s):October Map and Compass, Navigation, Getting Lost Meetings start at 7:00 pm. North Location: Middlebury American Legion South Location: Shaftsbury United Methodist Church |
September 2020