Let me introduce to you your District committee, their role, and their contact information.
I would also like to add that if you have put in your time with a unit, and are looking to stay in Scouts, but need a change in scenery, then maybe a committee position would be something you would be interested in. We meet the fourth Tuesday of every month in Rutland. Send me a note ([email protected]) if you are interested. We would love to increase the size of our committee and help to improve even more the serve we provide to our District.
Thank you ,
Russ Baker
Ethan Allen District Committee Chair
In no particular order
District Executive
Mark Miller ([email protected])
Mark can help with any questions for the Council or the district.
Tammy Endres ([email protected])
Do you need help getting promotional material together, setting up an open house, and doing recruitment? Tammy is the person for you.
Bob Treat ([email protected])
Do you have someone in your town that would like to help raise money for the Green Mountain Council, or might want to make a contribution? Get a hold of Bob. He can help you out.
Russ Baker ([email protected])
Want some information about camping at our Cub Scout camp in Benson (Camp Sunrise) or the Boy Scout camp in Eden (Mt. Norris) Get a hold of Russ he can help with this.
Russ Baker ([email protected])
Interested in getting trained? Want to know where the next training session is? Maybe you would like to set something up for your unit. Contact Russ. He can set you up.
Ed Gelbar ([email protected])
Is your unit interested in the next District activity for Cub or Boy Scouts? Maybe you would like to help organize an event. Let Ed know, he has all the information.
Round tables
Simon Drew ([email protected])
We have two Round Tables a month. One in north on the second Tuesday of the month at the American Legion in Middlebury starting at 7:00 pm
One on the third Tuesday of the month at the Shaftsbury United Methodist Church. Starting at 7:00 pm
Each month is a different topic. If you are looking for something specific, or have a suggestion, contact Simon. Not only are these meetings good for learning new skills, or getting trained, you will learn a lot about up coming events, and network with other Scouters in your District.
Jim Rivers ([email protected])
Jim handles all issues of advancement. Primarily he directs Eagle board of reviews to one of our three county locations. Jim also can answer any type of advancement questions, and he is starting to work on organizing our merit badge councilors.
Eagle Project approvals
John Record ([email protected] and Dean Silloway ([email protected])
If you have an Scout that has a question about an Eagle project, or wants to submit his workbook for approval, contact John and Dean. They will get you on your way to Eagle.
Paul Wells ([email protected])
Do you have an issue within your unit, need some advice, wish to submit your charter? Contact Paul and he will link you up with a commissioner in your area.