OKPIK 2020
Mount Norris Scout Reservation
Winter camping has been described as “bug free camping.” Those who participate regularly also know that it is more than “summer camping with more clothes on.”
Okpik was originally started in Green Mountain Council by the late Don Gray as “Operation Quinzhee” in order to provide Scout leaders with the proper preparation and training to enable them to understand the nuances of taking Scouts camping in cold weather. By understanding the physiology and psychology of the human response to cold weather and the adaptations these require, the Scout leader (that would be you!) can prepare yourself and the Scouts in your charge for a challenging, safe and rewarding experience that might be outside the boundaries of your normal experience.
Who Should Attend?
· Scoutmasters and Assistants,
· Committee Chairs
· Any other adult leaders who want to take the challenge of getting Scouts out in the winter.
· Senior Patrol Leaders
· Junior Assistant Scoutmasters
· Troop Guides
· Instructors
Must be age 14 or older. Scouts must be accompanied by his unit Leader(s).
Early bird registration deadline is January 10 . Due to the need of ordering supplies and food, on-site registrations cannot be accommodated.
Registration form available here.