Rescheduled scouting for food information:
Scouting for food is an amazing service project opportunity for your units to help give back to your local communities.
The Way it works, is on Saturday April 28th your units distribute bags to collect the recommended food. The following weekend, Saturday May 5, units go back out and pick up the bags to bring to the food shelf of there choosing.
This is a great way to have all of Long Trail participate in a District wide service project and best yet, pick up is on Green up day so Units will be out and about anyways!
All I ask is after collection you send me a short participation form that will include Unit number, how many participated and how many food bags collected.
Each Unit that participates will receive a ribbon! Patches will be for sale after this event as well. Keep eyes open for details on patches.
Included in this email is a FAQ sheet, Flyer and Door to door handout flyers.
If you have Questions, please feel free to contact me.
Kristy Walker
Long Trail Activity Chair
[email protected]
(802) 274-7089
Scouting for food is an amazing service project opportunity for your units to help give back to your local communities.
The Way it works, is on Saturday April 28th your units distribute bags to collect the recommended food. The following weekend, Saturday May 5, units go back out and pick up the bags to bring to the food shelf of there choosing.
This is a great way to have all of Long Trail participate in a District wide service project and best yet, pick up is on Green up day so Units will be out and about anyways!
All I ask is after collection you send me a short participation form that will include Unit number, how many participated and how many food bags collected.
Each Unit that participates will receive a ribbon! Patches will be for sale after this event as well. Keep eyes open for details on patches.
Included in this email is a FAQ sheet, Flyer and Door to door handout flyers.
If you have Questions, please feel free to contact me.
Kristy Walker
Long Trail Activity Chair
[email protected]
(802) 274-7089

2018-newlt-sff-_faq.pdf |

2018-new-lt-sff-participation.pdf |

2018-newlt-sff-flyer.pdf |