Location: Springfield
Army Corp of Engineers
Recreation Area
Reservoir Road, Springfield, VT 05156
Join us as we turn the park into a "Scout Haven" of fishing, canoeing, kayaking, cooking, learning activities, games and much more. Relax and enjoy the park by the campfire while learning about astronomy under a sky full of stars.
In this year fall camporee there will be many water based as well as land based activities so if you are going to participate, please bring home the swim tags after summer camp.
If you forget to do that, don’t worry, this is what you can do instead:
1) produce your unit swim classification sheet
2) Have the Scoutmaster signing it and bring it to the camporee
3) Hurray! The organizers will know the swimming abilities of your Cubs and Scouts for everyone’s safety.
Detailed program, registration sheet and more details to come.