Some of you may view this walk as a bit of a gimmick, but we would rather call it a "themed" hike with a purpose in the woods of Vermont.
Since Clint Buxton’s early days in Scouting, our Camp Director has always wanted to hike the Long Trail End-to-End. When the pandemic shuttered our summer camps and rendered Clint ‘unemployed,’ he decided to hit the trail and chase his dream. On August 29th, Clint ‘Hawkeye’ Buxton will begin his 272 mile quest north and hoping to average 10 miles a day for 27 days. Scouting calls us to help other people at all times and Clint remains hopeful his trek will help raise awareness and much-needed support for Vermont’s Outdoor Scouting Programs. Clint has pledged to donate $2 per mile to help alleviate a $160,000 camp operating deficit as he hikes from Massachusetts to the Canadian Border. Join the adventure this fall as a Buxton Trail Champion by pledging your support for outdoor programs, taking part in a service weekend or hitting a trail and posting an adventure with a 'Flat Buxton' cutout to social media using #BuxtonHikesLT |
Follow Buxton's Journey on Facebook |
Answer the Call to Action!
Choose your path to becoming a Buxton Trail Champion and supporting Hawkeye as he journeys north!
GiveYou can join Clint in making an impact during this critical time. 100% of the funds raised through this appeal will go towards strengthening operations at Camp Sunrise & Mt. Norris so they can emerge to serve families in 2021 and for generations to come!
ServeJoin the Mount Norris Scout Reservation Alumni Association and Ajapeu Lodge in helping ready our camps for restarting in 2021. Multiple weekends and a range of projects are available.
AdventureJoin Clint for a section of the Long Trail or tackle a path in your own back yard. Preview Clint’s itinerary and download your ‘Flat Buxton’ to help inspire others via social media.
Thank You Buxton Trail Champions!
Christopher Alibozek
Melissa Arel Russell Baker Mark Le Beau Kate Bessette Chris Bishop Lou and Kathy Borie James Bressor Bill Burdet Stephen Burke Jennifer Burrier Charles Buxton Michael Buxton Mike Buxton T Buxton (and Family) Bernard Byrne Dwight Camp Corey Cayton Carla Chandler Janice Chandler Dacyn Channell William Clarke Robert Coates Richard Corbiere Johnathan Croft Kim Kraus & Dave Crosby & Garth Steve Dow Simon Drew Jeremy Edwards Chris Engelken James Feinson Randall Gates Chris Graves Alison & Mark Hampson Sharin Hart |
Katie Hazelton
Katie & Austin Henke Lucas Herring Scott Herring Emily Hill John/MM Hitchcock Berrnard Isabelle Penrose Jackson Richard Jacobs Michael Keller Rick Kent Tom Kester Adam Kett Bill Kett Terence Kett Lindsay Kilday Jean Kleptz John Landis Michael Lane Kevin LaRose Rich Lederer Joshua Lincoln, V.M.D. Jonathan Low Bruce MacDonald Lisa Macy Mike Macy Bruce MacDonald Greg maguire Rachel Marble Red Martin Edward Matthews Dave McAllister Kevin & Judy McCullen Shannon McCullen Walter Morris Miss Lucy Neel |
Michael Nolan
Tom O'Donovan Barre Cub Scout Pack 717 Steffen Parker Mary Peet Michael Pelletier James Pels Brock Quesnel Heidi Racht Joe Recupero Daniel Richardson Deb Roderer Ian Roderer Leslie Sanborn Mark Saxon Jeremy Schrauf David Schuler Steven Scolari Phyllis Scribner Travis Scribner Ted Seissen Barry & Christine Simays Laurie & Danny Sneed Jennifer Adams Sprague Tim Stone Rendall Strawbridge Stewart Stryker Shawn Therrien Sandra Walsh Doug & Laura Warren Jeremy Watarz Paul Wells Annie Wheeler Veronica Whitehill Mary Ann Wood |